Layout Shelf - What is it?

This is a custom shelf for layout. The shortcuts I use the most when I'm working on layout and previs, combined with Main Scene Rig and other external tools. I will explain each button in different posts. Here you can find a brief summary about the shelf.

Layout Shelf

01 - RE - Reference Editor
02 - CS - Camera Sequencer
03 - GE - Graph Editor
04 - MAT - Match all transforms
05 - MT - Match translation
06 - MR - Match rotation
07 - Loc - Create a locator
08 - Parent Constrain - Parent constrain without offsets
09 - ST - Studio Library (you need to install it before, instructions here)
10 - Bake - Bake animations into keys
11 - Impo - Import
12 - SSA - Save Scene As
13 - FixCAM - Put the Perspective camera to 16mm and fix the near and far clipping plane.
14 - RIG_MA - Import the Main Scene Rig to the current scene (you need to install it before, instructions here)

You can download and install it here: shelf_Layout_Custom